Thursday, September 10, 2009

Srila Prabhupad Pastimes

Despite severe toothache and swollen jaw Srila Prabhupad continued giving lectures, interviews and his ususl activities.when asked if he would like to see a dentist he told the devotees"Dont worry I am used to difficulties"(Preaching to America, Part 2 Aug 7, 1975)

A king is sitting on the throne and there is a bug. The bug and the king, they
are on the same throne, but the bug and the king, much difference. Sitting on
the same throne does not mean that they have become equal. Why? Due to the
constitutional position. The bug's constitutional position is to bite only, and
the king's position is to rule. Although they are on the same level, the
difference is great gulf of difference. Similarly, God and the living entity may
sit down together, may talk together, they lie together, eat together, but that
difference will be there.
Montreal, June 10, 1968

They have forgotten Krishna, they have forgotten God, and I am trying to make them Krishna conscious. It is a very difficult job. I have to shed my blood three tons before I make one convinced in Krishna consciousness. That is my experience. I have to talk with them, especially these Europeans and Americans. They do not accept anything so blindly.

Hong Kong, April 18, 1972

"Krishna is ready to talk with you. He has come. He has descended in arca-murti to talk with you, to be visible by you. Now you make yourself ready and fit to talk with Krishna. Then He will exchange conversation. This is possible."

Srila Prabhupada, Bombay, December 4, 1974

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