Monday, September 7, 2009

DADU(From the blog of HG Akincana Krishna das on myspace)

The day before Govardhana puja, Mukunda Datta, the head pujari of KB Mandir, had a home program, which Dadu attended. Before that program, I'd seen him around, but that day I got to relish his association directly.Here are some gem quotes:As they were serving the feast Dadu said "Every great civilization has developed near a large body of water. Why? Because water is the greatest necessity. Therefore, they should serve us some drinking water at this feast."Some of the devotees were teasing Dadu about his age. They asked him about his eternal age in the spiritual world. "How old are you there? 12 or 13?" "No" he said confidently. "10 to 12."Then they asked him how old he is now in his present body. "How old do I look?" he asked. Govinda said "You look like an energetic young man." "Oh?" Dadu said. "It must be the hat." (the same hat he's wearing in the "who i want to meet" section of my profile)As we were walking from the program he quoted the Lord's prayer: "Our Father, who art in heaven, Hallowed be thy Name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our trespasses, As we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, But deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, for ever and ever. Amen." He laughed after he repeated it. He said he remembered it from the Protestant school he went to in Calcutta growing up. "It is a good prayer" he said.He told me he's been in Vrndavana for 20 years, and before that at Radha Kunda for 27 months.I asked him if he ever had a family. He said "No, Krishna has saved me from that trouble. Krishna is certainly the greatest savior." His conviction and happiness when he said that were so beautiful.I offered to pay for a rickshaw and asked if I could ride with him. He said "You are paying for the ricksaw and then asking me for my permission to ride on it? You are certainly a great Vaisnava gentleman." I asked him for a picture, and told him I have many friends who remember him and love him. The best one is the one on my page. He agreed, but as I was taking pictures he started laughing and said "you are wasting your film, you are wasting your film!"Basically, Dadu is really amazing and it was such a pleasure to see him again.

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