Friday, July 3, 2009

The Glories of Vrindavana धाम through quotes

Selected verses from the Vedic scriptures:

In all the three planetary systems, this earth is especially fortunate for here stands the town of Vrindavana
Adi Purana

Vrindavana dhäma is non-different from Krishna because the name, form, fame, and place where the Lord manifests – are all identical with the Lord as absolute knowledge. Therefore, Vrindavana dhäma is as worshipable as the Lord.
Srimad Bhagavatam (Intro) — Srila Prabhupada

By uttering the name of Vrindavana one attains the merit of chanting Krishna's holy name. By smelling the fragrance of Vrindavana, one is blessed by the merit of smelling the sweet fragrance of tulasi leaves offered to Lord Govinda
Garga Samhita

How wonderfull it is that simply by residing in Vrindavana even for one day, one can achieve a transcendental loving attitude towards the Supreme Personality of Godhead. This land of Vrindavana must be far more glorious than even Vaikuntha. Bhakti-rasamrita-sindhu — Srila Rupa Goswami

Visiting Vrindavana is by itself equal to the merit of visualisation of Lord Hari. By eating in Vrindavana one obtains the merit of partaking of the offering to Lord Hari. By working in Vrindavana with one's hands, one obtains the merit of serving Lord Hari. Walking in Vrindavana equals the merit of pilgramage to a different holy place with each and every step.
Garga Samhita

The results of travelling to all the pilgrimages in the three worlds is achieved simply by touching the holy land of Vrindavana.
Bhakti-rasamrita-sindhu — Srila Rupa Goswami

Even if I have the opportunity to bathe in the nectarian ocean of pure love of Krishna, and even if I have the pure devotees of the infalible Supreme Personality of Godhead as my associates, I will not consent to live, even for a single moment, in any sacred place other than Vrajabhümi.
Vraja-vilas-stava — Raghunatha dasa गोस्वामी

Selected verses from the Mathura Mahatmya of Srila Rupa Gosvam

If a person who has not seen Vrindavana has a keen desire to see Vrindavana, he will be reborn in Vrindavana no matter where he dies.

If a man decides in his mind “I will go to Vrindavana and stay there,” — simply by having such thoughts he will be freed from the wheel of saàsära.

All the sins accumulated through many births can be destroyed in a second by staying in Vrindavana
Sins committed in Vrindavana can be washed off in Vrindavana only. By staying in Vrindavana one can rise above dhärma, ärtha, karma and mokña. All these steps leading to salvation are easily attainable in Vrindavana.

Those who stay in Vrindavana for three nights, to them Lord Krishna gives happiness not even obtainable for those who are liberated.

Those who with devotion for Lord Krishna make a parikramä of Vrindavana — are freed from all sins and at death go straight to Viñëuloka.

Even women, malecchas, sudras, animals, birds, deer or anyone else dying in Vrindavana — goes to Visëuloka.

Candälas, yavanas, women, and murderers who die in Vrindavana — will not take birth again.
Dumb unconscious beings, the blind, killers, and those not practicing any tapasya or nyamas, who die in Vrindavana at any time — go to Viñëuloka.

Any man — dying in a gutter, a broken house, a cemetery, in the air, on a stage, in a bed, in a mansion or anywhere in Vrindavana — will attain liberation.

If a person who has not seen Vrindavan has a keen desire to see Vrindavan, he will be reborn in Vrindavan no matter where he dies.

If a man decides in his mind-I will go to Vrindavan and stay there-simply by having such thoughts he will be freed from the wheel of samsara

Sins commited in Vrindavan can be washed off in Vrindavan only. By staying in Vrindavan one can rise above dharma, artha, karma and moksha. All these steps leading to salvation are easily attainable in Vrindavan.

Srila Prabhupada Quote….

"Those who have gone to Vrndavana, they have seen the temple of Radha-Madana-mohana. That was established by Sanatana Gosvami, the first disciple of Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu. Sanatana Gosvami established this Madana-mohana temple, and Rupa Gosvami established that Govindaji's temple, and the Jiva Gosvami established Radha-Damodara temple. Gopal Bhatta Gosvami established Radha-Ramana temple. In this way, in Vrndavana there are seven temples authorizedly established by the Gaudiya-sampradaya, Caitanya Mahaprabhu's sampradaya. Later on, many big, big kings and zamindars, landlords, they also established many temples, big, big temples. And altogether, there are five thousand temples in a small city like Vrndavana, and thousands of men go to see the Deities in every temple almost every day, and especially during the four months Sravana, Bhadra, Asvina, Karttika: July, in July, August, September, October. So Vrndavana is always crowded by many pilgrims, and anyone who goes there, immediately he feels spiritual consciousness, especially nowadays."
Srila Prabhupada Lecture on Caitanya-caritamrta, 03-04-75, Dallas

Because it is vrindavana those who come should be exemplary so that all the people of Vrindavana..will see that we are actually following the six Gosvamis headed by Rupa Gosvami
Srila Prabhupad letter, 23 March, 1974

Akuras journey to Vrindaban is exemplary. One who intends to visit Vrindaban should follow the ideal footsteps of Akura and always think of the pastimes and activities of the Lord.

(Krsna book, Akuras arrival in vrindaban)

“In Vrindavana the temple of Govindadeva is surrounded by devoted worshipers. I prefer to live there. O king, in this world Vrindavana is the Vaikuntha of Govinda. Vrinda and other female devotees of Krishna also remain there। O Mahapala, those great souls who get darsana of Govinda in Vrindavana are the most glorified persons in this world.”

Skanda Purana, Narada Muni

“Between Nandisvara and Mahavana is a place named Vrindavana. This place is very suitable because it is lush with grass, plants, and creepers for the cows and other animals. It has nice gardens and tall mountains and is full of facilities for the happiness of all the gopas and gopis and our animals.”
Srimad Bhagavatam (10.11.28)

“Vrindavana is completely under Vrinda devi's grace. Sri Hari Himself lives in this splendid, incomprehensible place, which is served by the demigods headed by Brahma and Siva. Extending over a wide area, Vrndavana is decorated with forests of tulasi and the asramas of saints. Vrndavana is as dear to Govinda as Laksmi is to Visnu. Surrounded by His cowherd boys and cows, Madhava sports in Vrindavana with Balarama. O what a beautiful place is Vrindavana where Govardhana mountain along with many other holy places created by Lord Visnu are situated.”

Skanda Purana

“Vrindavana is filled with transcendental bliss. It destroys the greatest sins and miseries. Simply by living there one is awarded liberation.”

Padma Purana

“O friend, Vrindavana is spreading the glories of the earth, having obtained the treasure of the lotus feet of Krishna, the son of Devaki. The peacocks dance madly when they hear Govinda's flute, and when other creatures see them from the hilltops, they all become stunned.”
Srimad Bhagavatam (10.21.10)

“Every part of this beautiful Vrindavana is My abode. Every creature or demigod who lives in this place will attain Goloka dhama after death. The cowherd girls who live in My abode are yoginis. The five yojanas of Vrindavana forest are like My body and the spinal cord of the body is the Kalindi River, which flows with nectarean water. Deities and other spirits live here in invisible bodies. And I, living within every being, never leave this place. My appearance and disappearance has been enacted in every age. The divine and glorious illumination of this place is beyond worldly vision. The glories of Vrindavana are beyond anyone's calculation. People say Vrndavana covers sixteen krosa, and in the Sastra it is said Vrndavana extends five yojanas. Whoever has darsana of Govinda in Vrindavana never goes to Yamalaya, but attains the destination of pious persons. The temple of Sri Govindadeva is situated in Vrindavana and is surrounded by devotees. A fortunate person can have His darsana.”
Gautamiya tantra where Krishna says to narad

Think of Vrindaban with love, roll in teh dust of Vrindaban, offer your entire body to the service of Vrindaban and thus develop firm love for Vrindaban।

(Prababhodananda Saraswati, Vrindaban mahimamrata, staka 1 text 5)
The mind’s activities are thinking, feeling and willing, by which the mind accepts materially favorable things and rejects the unfavorable. This is the consciousness of people in general. But when one’s mind does not accept and reject but simply becomes fixed on the lotus feet of krsna, then one’s mind becomes as good as Vrindāvana. Wherever krsna is, there also are Śrīmatī Rādhārani, the gopīs, the cowherd boys and all the other inhabitants of Vrindāvana. Thus as soon as one fixes krsna in his mind, his mind becomes identical with Vrindāvana. In other words, when one’s mind is completely free from all material desires and is engaged only in the service of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, then one always lives in Vrindāvana, and nowhere else.¨
Srila Prabhupada

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