Sunday, August 2, 2009

Understanding Radharani

We are Krsna's part and parcel and have been created to give pleasure to krsna.The chief pleasure potency is shrimati Radharani.Whereas material energy is conducted by the external potency(maya) the spiritualworld is conducted by the internal potency (Shrimati Radharani). We often pray to Shrimati Radharani because she is the pleasure potency of krsna. The very word Krsna means all attractive but Shrimati Radharaniis so great that she attracts krsna. If krsna is always attractive to everyone and Shirmati Radharani is attractive to krsna, how can we imagine the position of Shirmati Radharani?
(Bhakti vikas swami quoting prabhupad from the book Elevation to krsna conciousness)
Krsna is reservoir of all pleasure and shrimati Radharani is the personification of that pleasure.

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