Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Krsnas love for shrimati radha rani is not lust

Love in material world means sensual desire। It only means to enjoy ones own senses। Our love for someone only exists so long as we receive sense gratification from that person। The minute the gratification stops so does our love. A true krsna devotee shall never desire to get his senses fulfilled but rather he or she shall always seek to serve krsna. This is true unalloyed love. What we hear of as “love” in the material world is actually lust, or a desire to serve oneself. In this material world there is no love—it is all lust. The difference between love and lust is like the difference between gold and iron. Both gold and iron are metals, but otherwise they are not at all alike.The more one tries to satisfy the senses, the more they demand. Indulgence cannot satisfy the senses. Therefore, by trying to satisfy his material desires for sensual enjoyment the poor conditioned soul merely increases his desire, but not his satisfaction. He becomes a servant of the senses, working hard to fulfill hankerings that can never be fulfilled. To find real pleasure, one must find real love—and for this one must love Krishna. Bhagavad-gita confirms that those who are truly mahatmas, great souls, take shelter of Krishna’s daivi prakrti, or spiritual energy—Srimati Radharani.

“ataeb kâm-prem bohut antar,

Kâm andhatama prem nirmal bhâskar”

Meaning – “Thus there is a lot of difference between lust and love. Lust is pitch darkness, while love is brilliant sunshine.”

– (Sri Chaitanya-Charitâmrita)

Here the word ‘smara’ or lust signifies the topmost level of Eros that is the mahâbhâv felt by the Brajabâlâs. This is why even great sages like Uddhav wish to have such lust.

“The prem of the fair sex of Braja is called ‘kâm’ (lust). As a result, loving devotees of the Lord such as Sri Uddhav crave for such lust. They always pray for the hankering felt by the Gopis due to their love for Sri Krishna.”

– (Sri Bhakti-Rasâmrita-Sindhu 1.2.285)

Shrimati radharani

“(Therefore) Radha is parama-devata, the supreme goddess, and She is worshipable for everyone. She is the protectress of all, and She is the mother of the entire universe.” —Caitanya Caritamrita, Adi 4.89
Srimati Radharani is the eternal consort of Lord Krishna. Five thousand years ago, when Lord Krishna came to this planet to perform His pastimes, Srimati Radharani also appeared.

The complete definition of God has both God and His energies, which exist simultaneously with Him and are in a sense identical to Him. When we all of krsnas energy we Radha, His eternal consort. Like the sun and sunshine, Krishna and Radha are one. Radha is loving devotion to god personified. We can also say she is bhakti personified.
“Radharani is a tenderhearted feminine counterpart of the supreme whole, resembling the perfectional stage of the worldly feminine nature. Therefore, the mercy of Radharani is available very readily to the sincere devotees, and once She recommends such a devotee to Lord Krishna, the Lord at once accepts the devotee’s admittance into His association.” —Srila Prabhupada, Bhagavatam 2.3.23
Srimati Radharani is Krishna’s pleasure potency. The devotees of the Krishna humbly try to glorify Srimati Radharani because by her mercy they can easilty advance in Krishna consciousness.
The sun cannot exist without the sunshine, nor the sunshine without the sun. We say, “the sun is in my room”—even though the sun itself is ninety-three million miles away—because the sun appears in the form of its energy. Therefore the energy (the sunshine) and the energetic (the sun) are simultaneously one and different. Similarly, Radha and Krishna are simultaneously one and different. Krishna, the self-effulgent Lord, is the Supreme Personality of Godhead, and Srimati Radharani is His supreme pleasure energy. Together They constitute the complete Absolute Truth. If one wishes to understand Radha and Krishna, one must understand Them by hearing submissively from a bona fide authority


Vraja or Braja is the land of krsna. Vraja means krsna conciousness. Krsna was born in vrindaban and he spent his youth in the land of vraja. Small town and hamlets of vraja are still echoing with tunes of krsna flute. Krsnas birth turned small town into a place of highest respect and reverence. Adjecent to mathura is gorves village called vrindaban.

Glories to vrindaban

Vrindaban is the place where krsna spent his youthful pastimes. Vrindan mesmerizes any one who has the eye of faith and love for ksna. Mathura is at the centre of vraja and is located at a distance of 145 km south-east of Delhi and 58 km north-west of Agra. Covering an area of about 3,800 sq. km., today, Vraja can be divided into two distinct parts - the eastern part in the trans-Yamuna tract with places like Gokul, Mahavan, Baldeo, Mat and Bajna and the western side of the Yamuna covering the Mathura region that encompasses Vrindavan, Govardhan, Kusum Sarovar, Barsana and Nandgaon.The land of Braj starts from Kotban and ends at Runakuta.Infant Krishna was taken away soon after birth to Gokul, the village of the gopas (cowherds) in Vraja (their pastureland). It was here that he grew to manhood, in the tender care of his foster parents Nand and Yashoda in the joyous association of the cowherds. Vrindavan, just 15 km from Mathura. It is famous for its numerous temples - both old and modern. It is believed that there are at least 5000 temple in vrindaban. his is the place where he performed his spiritual pastimes with the gopis and his eternal consort Shrimati Radharani. Vrindaban is the transcendental abode of Lord Krishna. It is not an ordinary material city, for it is eternally connected with the Supreme Personality of Godhead. It is said that Lord Krishna never leaves Vrindavan (vrindavanam parityajya padam ekam na gacchati).
" Although Mathura and Vrindavana are situated on this planet earth, they are transcendental abodes of the Lord."
(Srimad Bhagavatam 10.1.28 Purport).
"The Supreme Personality of Godhead, Lord Krishna engages in pastimes there eternally. For this reason Vrindavana is better than all other holy places. Sixty billion sacred places reside in Mathura and Vrindavana.
(Mathura Mahatma)